Thursday 5 February 2009


Following discussions at RAatE this year I have attempted to contact services who assess for and provide electronic assistive technologies to create an online networking space to further improve communication between similar services. I’m sure we are all discussing similar issues of service inclusion/exclusion criteria, keeping pace with technological advances and adapting to funding challenges. As the services we work for are spread across such a broad geographical area creating a viable SIG for face to face meetings can be a challenge. So I set up a webSIG using Ning and a we already have a few members from different services which is exciting. I quite Ning as its easy to use, add features and rearrange. That said......

I must temper my enthusiasm with the knowledge that it may not be so well embraced by the people I am trying to reach. For numerous reasons people may not feel they have the time, inclination, skills or desire to share information to want to join in. However I am by nature blindly optimistic so I'm sure it will be a resounding sucess :-)

If you work for a EAT service please get in touch for details of how to join.

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