As the Mum of a very nearly three year old I am surrounded by the world of Cbeebies. It never ceases to amaze me that I see occupational themes throughout this pre school programming. Thomas the Tank Engine - only happy (occupational satisfaction?) when being a very useful engine (occupational competence?), Timmy the lamb who learns through play...... I know, I know I need to get out more!
What has this got to do with Personalization you ask? Well I found my mind wandering to Cbeebies during the event. Not that I was loosing interest - far from it, it was one of the most though provoking events I have been to in a while. Let me try and explain.....
Firstly for a Personalisation 101 read this information from SCIE and look at this great selection of resources from Ripfa.
Personalisation, broadly speaking is the freeing up of funding streams and resources to allow clients to draw up a specification for support from social care services which is tailored to their individual needs. There was lots of discussion at the event that this creates huge opportunities for OTs to move to a position of "practicing what we preach". That is to say enabling clients to use the resources available to them in creative and flexible ways to facilitate occupational outcomes.
Back to Bob the Builder.....having worked as a senior practitioner in social care I often felt that the basic organization of social care was flawed. Clients were offered limited choices for support, occupational therapists were rarely involved in first line decision making about care packages and I often felt that the "care" offered had the effect of disabling rather than enabling the client ("here have a ready made meal delivered to your door vs here have support to be able to do this for yourself"). As someone who likes to think about how things could be changed for the better I asked myself "Can we fix it?" (see I told you we would get back to Bob!).
To be honest my initial response was that I wasn't sure it could be fixed. The juggernaut of public services has huge momentum which is very hard to redirect, in this case to strive rebalance power between client and gatekeeper. However my knowledge of the personalization agenda before the event started to give me some hope (Can we fix it?" Lofty - "Erm, yeah I think so").
The idea of individual budgets, self directed supported, support brokers etc sounded like it could be very exciting. But to be honest it all felt a bit nebulous. Pilots were happening in other parts of the country, but not where I was. I didn't really know whether the rhetoric about these opportunities would ever materialize into real change.
At the Ripfa event I was reassured to hear that other people were struggling to know how to take action on the opportunities offered by this agenda.
In order to try and fix something, pure rhetoric is insufficient, you need tools (as an Bob the Builder fan will know). Personalisation gives the Occupational Therapist a range of tools for the job of facilitating meaningful occupation. Our challenge is not to know right now everything about the options and mechanisms for personalisation, but the task is to think about clients who would benefit, and fire them up to make it happen. Ask difficult questions - why can't this happen? Be confident in our professional opinion. Make it happen. Practice what we preach.
Can we fix it? Yes we can.
(I will write another blog post next week about the impact of the personalization agenda for assistive technology)
Should ACOTE have a global focus?
6 days ago
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